Ironclad loss 😔
244 points
Killed by Slime Boss on floor 16
Took 21:36
13 days ago
Ascension 20
no streak
because ded :(

Neow bonus

We took 18 damage, and then got 250 gold.

And we skipped

  • Transform a card.
  • Enemies in the first three combats have 1 HP.
  • Lose your starter relic. Obtain a random Boss relic.

Score breakdown

  • Floors Climbed (16): 80
  • Enemies Slain (6): 12
  • Exordium Elites Killed (3): 30
  • Bosses Slain (0): 0
  • Ascension (20): 122

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
HP healed: 54
Obtained on floor 3
Obtained on floor 6
Gold saved: 0
Obtained on floor 8
Charges used: 1
Obtained on floor 9
Card bottled: Dark Embrace
Obtained on floor 9
Attacks doubled: 5
Per turn: 0.16
Per combat: 0.83
Obtained on floor 11
Chests created: 0

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