Defect victory! 🎉
3074 points
Took 1:44:58
20 days ago
Ascension 20
3 / 3 Defect streak

Neow bonus

We swapped our starter relic for Sacred Bark.

And we skipped

  • Choose an uncommon Colorless card to obtain.
  • Gain 10% Max HP.
  • Take damage. Transform two cards.

Score breakdown

  • Floors Climbed (57): 285
  • Enemies Slain (16): 32
  • Exordium Elites Killed (3): 30
  • City Elites Killed (3): 60
  • Beyond Elites Killed (1): 30
  • Bosses Slain (5): 750
  • Collector (1): 25
  • Well Fed: 25
  • Champion (2): 50
  • Perfect (2): 100
  • Overkill: 25
  • C-c-c-combo: 25
  • Ascension (20): 1387
  • Heartbreaker: 250

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Obtained on floor 6
Obtained on floor 8
Cards drawn: 48
Per turn: 0.41
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 9
Energy gained: 592
Per turn: 5.10
Per combat: 24.67
Obtained on floor 10
Energy gained: 28
Per turn: 0.25
Per combat: 1.22
Obtained on floor 13
Cards drawn: 27
Per turn: 0.26
Per combat: 1.29
Obtained on floor 17
Obtained on floor 24
Gold saved: 300
Obtained on floor 26
Obtained on floor 27
Card bottled: Chill
Obtained on floor 31
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 37
Obtained on floor 45
Obtained on floor 55

Cards Removed

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