Defect loss 😔
648 points
Killed by Automaton on floor 33
Took 46:52
29 days ago
Ascension 20
no streak
because ded :(

Neow bonus

We swapped our starter relic for Ectoplasm.

And we skipped

  • Gain a random Rare card.
  • Enemies in the first three combats have 1 HP.
  • Lose 10% Max HP. Obtain a random Rare relic.

Score breakdown

  • Floors Climbed (33): 165
  • Enemies Slain (12): 24
  • Exordium Elites Killed (2): 20
  • City Elites Killed (2): 40
  • Bosses Slain (1): 50
  • Champion (1): 25
  • Ascension (20): 324

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Gold lost: 506
Obtained on floor 9
Obtained on floor 10
Obtained on floor 17
Obtained on floor 24
Obtained on floor 28
Obtained on floor 29

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