Ironclad victory! 🎉
2938 points
Took 1:21:04
749 days ago
Ascension 20
First in
rotating streak

Neow bonus

We swapped our starter relic for Tiny House.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Obtained on floor 8
Obtained on floor 9
Extra card rewards: 5
Obtained on floor 14
Attacks doubled: 29
Per turn: 0.23
Per combat: 1.26
Obtained on floor 17
Cards obtained: 
- Rampage
- Exhume
- True Grit
- Armaments
- Pummel
- Fiend Fire
- Havoc
Obtained on floor 24
Cards drawn: 38
Per turn: 0.35
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 28
Cards drawn: 11
Per turn: 0.11
Per combat: 0.65
Energy gained: 18
Per turn: 0.18
Per combat: 1.06
Obtained on floor 34
Curses created: 0
Obtained on floor 36
Obtained on floor 42
Frail prevented: 14
Per turn: 0.21
Per combat: 1.75
Obtained on floor 44
Obtained on floor 48
Damage dealt: 288
Per turn: 7.02
Per combat: 72.00
Obtained on floor 54
Time spent viewing draw order: 2m 48.12s
Obtained on floor 54
Obtained on floor 55
Dexterity gained: 5
Per turn: 0.56
Per combat: 5.00

Cards Removed

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