Silent victory! 🎉
3090 points
Took 1:56:02
749 days ago
Ascension 20
First in
rotating streak

Neow bonus

We picked Dramatic Entrance over Trip and Dark Shackles.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Cards drawn: 60
Per turn: 0.45
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 8
Block gained: 753
Per turn: 6.72
Per combat: 30.12
Obtained on floor 9
Cards drawn: 69
Per turn: 0.62
Per combat: 2.76
Obtained on floor 10
Extra card rewards: 11
Obtained on floor 14
Obtained on floor 17
Obtained on floor 19
Obtained on floor 25
Gold saved: 225
Obtained on floor 26
Obtained on floor 27
HP healed: 50
Obtained on floor 28
Energy retained: 44
Per turn: 0.62
Per combat: 2.75
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 37
Damage dealt: 410
Per turn: 8.91
Per combat: 41.00
Obtained on floor 39
Weak prevented: 2
Per turn: 0.06
Per combat: 0.25
Obtained on floor 40
Cards drawn: 17
Per turn: 0.55
Per combat: 2.43
Obtained on floor 44
Cards upgraded: 
- Acrobatics
- Reflex
Obtained on floor 47
Obtained on floor 55

Cards Removed

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