Watcher victory! 🎉
3451 points
Took 1:35:23
1134 days ago
Ascension 20
13 / 19 Watcher streak

Neow bonus

We took damage (current HP / 10, rounded down, * 3), and then gained 20% Max HP.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Obtained on floor 7
Charges used: 0
Obtained on floor 9
Obtained on floor 11
HP healed: 10
Obtained on floor 13
Times lifted: 3
Obtained on floor 14
Obtained on floor 17
Cards obtained: 
- Fasting
- Empty Body
- Flurry of Blows
- Cut Through Fate
- Deus Ex Machina
- Alpha
- Simmering Fury
- Empty Mind
Obtained on floor 25
Strength gained: 49
Per turn: 0.64
Per combat: 2.33
Obtained on floor 31
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 37
Energy discounted: 24
Per turn: 0.41
Per combat: 1.71
Obtained on floor 40
Gold saved: 0
Obtained on floor 42
Max HP gained: 8
Obtained on floor 43
Obtained on floor 44
Cards drawn: 16
Per turn: 0.47
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 46
Block gained: 80
Per turn: 2.86
Per combat: 13.33
Obtained on floor 54
Cards drawn: 6
Per turn: 0.50
Per combat: 3.00
Obtained on floor 54
Cards scried: 9
Per turn: 0.75
Per combat: 4.50
Obtained on floor 55
Cards upgraded: <nothing>

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