Defect loss 😔
2135 points
Killed by The Heart on floor 56
Took 1:56:08
1247 days ago
Ascension 20
no streak
because ded :(

Neow bonus

We swapped our starter relic for Busted Crown.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Card options lost: 48
Obtained on floor 5
Orbs triggered: 49
Per turn: 0.37
Per combat: 1.96
Lightning orbs: 11
Per turn: 0.08
Per combat: 0.44
Frost orbs: 0
Per turn: 0.00
Per combat: 0.00
Dark orbs: 23
Per turn: 0.17
Per combat: 0.92
Plasma orbs: 15
Per turn: 0.11
Per combat: 0.60
Obtained on floor 8
Obtained on floor 9
Obtained on floor 14
Obtained on floor 17
Cards obtained: 
- Leap
- Thunder Strike
- Creative AI
- Self Repair
- Go for the Eyes
- Beam Cell
- Sunder
- Compile Driver
Obtained on floor 20
Obtained on floor 24
Energy gained: 29
Per turn: 0.33
Per combat: 1.81
Obtained on floor 28
Cards upgraded: 
- Go for the Eyes
Obtained on floor 31
Cards toked: 2
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 40
Obtained on floor 42
Obtained on floor 43
Obtained on floor 45
Obtained on floor 55
HP healed: 25

Cards Removed

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