victory! 🎉
2090 points
Took 30:36
1489 days ago
Ascension 0
1 / 2
Ironclad streak
Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.
6x Disarm
6x Shrug It Off
3x Brutality
3x Flame Barrier
3x Sword Boomerang+
3x Corruption
3x Infernal Blade
3x Sword Boomerang
6x Exhume
3x Power Through+
3x Fiend Fire
3x Power Through
2x Thunderclap
6x Immolate
6x Seeing Red
3x True Grit+
6x Impervious
6x Armaments
3x Warcry
6x Limit Break
6x Cleave
Wild Strike+
3x Havoc
2x Wild Strike
8x Offering
3x Heavy Blade
3x Secret Technique
6x Bloodletting
9x Iron Wave
3x Decay
3x Burning Pact
6x Perfected Strike
3x Shame
6x Dark Embrace
6x Pommel Strike
3x Writhe
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