Ironclad victory! 🎉
1978 points
Took 2:00:58
1472 days ago
Ascension 12
3 / 4 Ironclad streak

Neow bonus

We swapped our starter relic for Astrolabe.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Cards obtained: 
- Wild Strike
- Burning Pact
- Clash
Obtained on floor 6
Cards drawn: 56
Per turn: 0.38
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 8
Obtained on floor 9
Obtained on floor 17
Card cost counts:
0 energy: 265
1 energy: 299
2 energy: 277
3 energy: 0.32
Obtained on floor 23
Obtained on floor 25
Cards drawn: 165
Per turn: 1.62
Per combat: 9.17
Obtained on floor 26
Obtained on floor 27
HP healed: 51
Obtained on floor 30
Cards upgraded: 
- Purity
- Shockwave
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 42
Obtained on floor 47
Obtained on floor 48
Obtained on floor 53
Obtained on floor 53
HP healed: 24
Obtained on floor 54
Cards drawn: 0
Per turn: 0.00
Per combat: 0.00
Energy gained: 0
Per turn: 0.00
Per combat: 0.00

Cards Removed

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